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Recruiter IT?

Querés convertirte en

Level:  Beginner and Intermediate

Somos la Academia de Reclutamiento IT más completa y con trayectoria en el mercado de tecnología hispano. 
No solo aprenderás a entender y reclutar perfiles IT, ¡también podrás poner en práctica todo lo aprendido! 

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not sure where to start?

You don't understand the technical concepts

A discernir los diferentes contextos laborales para
desempeñarte como Recruiter IT.

Las estrategias más importantes del Reclutamiento IT, para captar a los candidatos más demandados en el mercado.

Las herramientas que usamos los Recruiters en

Cómo llevar una entrevista con perfiles tecnológicos.

Los diferentes roles y puestos de trabajo que existen
en IT, junto a sus niveles de expertise.

La dinámica de trabajo IT, metodologías de trabajo.

Las tecnologías, frameworks, y herramientas más
usadas por los programadores.

You don't know the strategies that exist to reach the right candidates.

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You lack basic knowledge of the industry

A discernir los diferentes contextos laborales para
desempeñarte como Recruiter IT.

Las estrategias más importantes del Reclutamiento IT, para captar a los candidatos más demandados en el mercado.

Las herramientas que usamos los Recruiters en

Cómo llevar una entrevista con perfiles tecnológicos.

Los diferentes roles y puestos de trabajo que existen
en IT, junto a sus niveles de expertise.

La dinámica de trabajo IT, metodologías de trabajo.

Las tecnologías, frameworks, y herramientas más
usadas por los programadores.

You don't know about technologies, programming languages or frameworks.

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You do not know how to analyze the skills required according to the company's culture.

A discernir los diferentes contextos laborales para
desempeñarte como Recruiter IT.

Las estrategias más importantes del Reclutamiento IT, para captar a los candidatos más demandados en el mercado.

Las herramientas que usamos los Recruiters en

Cómo llevar una entrevista con perfiles tecnológicos.

Los diferentes roles y puestos de trabajo que existen
en IT, junto a sus niveles de expertise.

La dinámica de trabajo IT, metodologías de trabajo.

Las tecnologías, frameworks, y herramientas más
usadas por los programadores.

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You find it difficult to identify and analyze talents adequately

A discernir los diferentes contextos laborales para
desempeñarte como Recruiter IT.

Las estrategias más importantes del Reclutamiento IT, para captar a los candidatos más demandados en el mercado.

Las herramientas que usamos los Recruiters en

Cómo llevar una entrevista con perfiles tecnológicos.

Los diferentes roles y puestos de trabajo que existen
en IT, junto a sus niveles de expertise.

La dinámica de trabajo IT, metodologías de trabajo.

Las tecnologías, frameworks, y herramientas más
usadas por los programadores.

You do not understand what the IT profiles are, nor what responsibilities each one has.

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You are not updated in recruiting techniques or inserted in Recruiters' communities

A discernir los diferentes contextos laborales para
desempeñarte como Recruiter IT.

Las estrategias más importantes del Reclutamiento IT, para captar a los candidatos más demandados en el mercado.

Las herramientas que usamos los Recruiters en

Cómo llevar una entrevista con perfiles tecnológicos.

Los diferentes roles y puestos de trabajo que existen
en IT, junto a sus niveles de expertise.

La dinámica de trabajo IT, metodologías de trabajo.

Las tecnologías, frameworks, y herramientas más
usadas por los programadores.

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IT Specialization

Become the IT Recruiter you want to be, learning about technologies and systems profiles.

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Access the Bootcamp

You have access to live, personalized and one-on-one classes with the course teacher.
The Bootcamp enables you to have personalized access through videoconferences with the training teacher, in order to solve live all the doubts and queries you may have about the course. 

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Learning by Doing

Internships allow you to implement the knowledge acquired during the training. You will work with real searches, and you will have personalized follow-up from the team, to learn by doing. 

What is the Training Content?

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What you will learn?

  • Stacks Tecnológicos

  • Niveles de Senioritys

  • Clúster en IT y Nichos de Especialización: Cloud, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Machine Learning, Networking, Programming, etc.

  • Tipos de Perfiles y Roles en IT: Gestión, Diseño, Desarrollo, Testing, Implementación: Analista Funcional, Project Manager, Desarrolladores, Tester, UI/UX, Scrum Master, Líder Técnico, Arquitecto, DevOps y muchos más!

  • What is IT Recruitment?
    The meaning of recruiting in technology. The types of labor markets that exist and how the role of the Recruiter changes in each market. The type of supply and demand according to job positions. The most used strategies in IT Recruiting to attract and attract talent. The different types of roles that exist in Recruiting.
  • What are the stages of the IT recruitment process?
    The stages a candidate goes through from the moment he/she enters the selection process, and depending on how he/she arrives at the process. The value proposition to the candidate as an added value for the Recruiter. Strategies used by Recruiters to reach Influencer candidates. Candidate engagement versus experience.
  • How to interview in IT?
    What is taken into account in an interview for IT profiles. How to structure an IT interview. How Pareto's law helps to optimize time in our processes. Important information about work motivation, the psychological contract, and how it influences the completion of processes.
  • What is the Talent Pipeline for in IT recruitment?
    The definition of the Talent Pipeline and the strategies we can use to optimize our work as Recruiters. The Talent Pool to segment our work efficiently. Communication and contact channels to reach candidates. The added value that we as Recruiters bring to the recruitment process.
  • What does IT and Programming Languages mean?
    IT definition for understanding the market as a Recruiter. The specialization niches that exist in IT. The definition of programming, the types of programming paradigms that exist. What does programming language mean and which are the most sought after by Recruiters? The distinction between Framework and Library.
  • What are Software Applications and how are they programmed?
    Definition of computer applications and systems. What types of applications exist, how they are structured. What do technology stacks mean, the importance of this information for the Recruiter's role.
  • What is an IT project?
    The definition of the project within technology, its characteristics and life cycle. The relationship of the project with the work methodologies. Definition of seniority, and the relationship with the Recruiter's role.
  • What are the existing IT clusters and types of profiles?
    Definition of cluster in IT, types of clusters. The different existing profiles in programming, management, testing, implementation, among others.
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Those who want to become IT Recruiters

To work digitally, remotely, and in constant socialization with talents who are looking for better job opportunities. 

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Students of HR, Psychology or related careers

who want to specialize in the IT recruitment field and grow as working professionals in a high demand field.

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HR Generalist Recruiters

who already have experience in selection processes in general areas and want to specialize in strategies and tools specific to the most demanded area in today's market.

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Our Certificates

Graduates of this training will have access to several job placement options within the IT field, being able to be part of technology or recruitment companies.
They will also have access to internships to put into practice everything they have learned with real searches and clients. 

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The title of Tech Recruiter will be awarded

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Degree certified by Infocus Academy

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Access to internships at Infocus Company

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If you are student this Scholarship is for you!

“Students, listen to this! Do you want to master IT recruitment and secure your professional future? 

Then don't miss out on our special offer! With our exclusive scholarship, you will get an incredible discount on our complete IT Recruitment training. 🌟 

It's your chance to get into the exciting world of technology at an affordable price! 💼 Enroll now and take the first step towards a successful career in IT Recruiting!”

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  • What is IT Recruitment?
    The meaning of recruiting in technology. The types of labor markets that exist and how the role of the Recruiter changes in each market. The type of supply and demand according to job positions. The most used strategies in IT Recruiting to attract and attract talent. The different types of roles that exist in Recruiting.
  • What are the stages of the IT recruitment process?
    The stages a candidate goes through from the moment he/she enters the selection process, and depending on how he/she arrives at the process. The value proposition to the candidate as an added value for the Recruiter. Strategies used by Recruiters to reach Influencer candidates. Candidate engagement versus experience.
  • How to interview in IT?
    What is taken into account in an interview for IT profiles. How to structure an IT interview. How Pareto's law helps to optimize time in our processes. Important information about work motivation, the psychological contract, and how it influences the completion of processes.
  • What is the Talent Pipeline for in IT recruitment?
    The definition of the Talent Pipeline and the strategies we can use to optimize our work as Recruiters. The Talent Pool to segment our work efficiently. Communication and contact channels to reach candidates. The added value that we as Recruiters bring to the recruitment process.
  • What does IT and Programming Languages mean?
    IT definition for understanding the market as a Recruiter. The specialization niches that exist in IT. The definition of programming, the types of programming paradigms that exist. What does programming language mean and which are the most sought after by Recruiters? The distinction between Framework and Library.
  • What are Software Applications and how are they programmed?
    Definition of computer applications and systems. What types of applications exist, how they are structured. What do technology stacks mean, the importance of this information for the Recruiter's role.
  • What is an IT project?
    The definition of the project within technology, its characteristics and life cycle. The relationship of the project with the work methodologies. Definition of seniority, and the relationship with the Recruiter's role.
  • What are the existing IT clusters and types of profiles?
    Definition of cluster in IT, types of clusters. The different existing profiles in programming, management, testing, implementation, among others.
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Didn't find the answer to your question?

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Contact us via Whatsapp to get in touch with a representative who can help you!

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